Hi and welcome to UK Paramotors

The aim of this website is to bring together new, novice and experienced pilots to promote, review and help each other in all aspects of paramotoring


What is Paramotoring

Paragliding pilots can get airborne in a number of ways but predominantly use hills and ridges to get into the air, enabling them to ridge soar or for experienced pilots pick up thermals and travel cross country (XC) away from their take off point. This however requires the wind to be traveling up the hill or ridge at the right wind speed. It was realised that adding a backpack motor would enable them to take off from level ground so they would not have to look for hills and ridges with the right wind direction to launch from.

A Paramotor is an ultra light aircraft engine with a harness attached to it. The wing attaches to the Paramotor/ harness in the same way as it would for paragliding. With the flexibility of being able to free fly picking up thermals, or use the Paramotor engine to fly off in any direction, the Paramotor is quickly becoming a popular form of aviation.


What to buy

There are many different types of Paramotor frames and engines built to suit a pilot's weight, height and needs. Likewise the cost of the equipment can also vary greatly, BUT getting the best from your budget should not be put before safety.

REMEMBER your life is hanging from the equipment you are using.

When buying your equipment, I would always recommend you add a helmet and reserve to your initial purchase.

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